Capturing a Wi-Fi Handshake: The Key to Network Security Testing

3 min readSep 7, 2023


In the realm of network security, the Wi-Fi handshake is a pivotal component that plays a crucial role in assessing the security of wireless networks. This handshake, a cryptographic process that occurs when a device connects to a protected Wi-Fi network, provides an opportunity for ethical hackers and security professionals to evaluate network vulnerabilities. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the process of capturing a Wi-Fi handshake, an essential step in various network security assessments.

Understanding the Wi-Fi Handshake

Before delving into the intricacies of capturing a Wi-Fi handshake, it’s essential to comprehend its significance. The Wi-Fi handshake is a four-step process that occurs when a device attempts to connect to a secured Wi-Fi network. During this process, the network’s access point and the connecting device exchange cryptographic keys to establish a secure connection. The four steps include:

1. Association Request: The device sends a request to join the network.

2. Association Response: The network’s access point acknowledges the request and provides the device with its encryption capabilities.

3. EAPOL (Extensible Authentication Protocol over LAN) Key Exchange: This step involves the exchange of encryption keys to secure the connection.

4. Association Confirmation: The final step confirms the successful establishment of a secure connection.

Why Capture a Wi-Fi Handshake?

Capturing a Wi-Fi handshake is instrumental for several network-related tasks, including:

1. Security Testing: Ethical hackers and security professionals use captured handshakes to assess the strength of a network’s security protocols and encryption.

2. Password Cracking: Handshakes often contain hashed passwords. By capturing and analyzing them, security experts can attempt to crack network passwords.

3. Troubleshooting: Network administrators may capture handshakes to diagnose connectivity issues and verify the integrity of network connections.

Steps to Capture a Wi-Fi Handshake

To capture a Wi-Fi handshake, follow these steps:

1. Identify the Target Network Data

Start by scanning for nearby networks using the following command:

$ sudo airodump-ng --band abg wlan0

This command provides a list of available networks along with their BSSID (Basic Service Set Identifier) and channel ID.

2. Find Devices on the Target Network

Next, identify the devices connected to the target network by running:

$ sudo airodump-ng --bssid <target_mac> --channel <id> wlan0

This command displays a list of devices connected to the specified BSSID (target network) and their respective MAC addresses.

3. Execute a De-authentication Attack

To capture the handshake, you must deauthenticate a device from the target network. Use the following command to deauthenticate a specific device:

$ sudo aireplay-ng --deauth 10 -a <target_mac> -c <target_device_mac> wlan0

The -deauth 10 flag specifies that 10 deauthentication packets will be sent to the target device.

4. Capture the Handshake Data

Once the targeted device is deauthenticated and attempts to reconnect, it will initiate the four-way handshake. To capture this handshake data, use the following command:

$ sudo airodump-ng --bssid <target_mac> --channel <id> --write wpa_handshake1 wlan0

As the disconnected device reconnects to the target network, it will exchange the four-way handshake data, which will be captured and saved in the “wpa_handshake1” file.

In conclusion, capturing a Wi-Fi handshake is a critical step in network security testing, password cracking, and troubleshooting. It empowers ethical hackers and security professionals with the data needed to assess network security and address vulnerabilities. However, it’s essential to use this knowledge responsibly and ethically, respecting privacy and legal boundaries. Mastering the art of handshake capture is a valuable skill in the realm of network security, allowing professionals to enhance their understanding of wireless network defenses.




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