Efficiently Using Wordlists with Aircrack-ng: Save Storage Space

2 min readSep 8, 2023


In the realm of Wi-Fi password cracking, having a robust wordlist is crucial for success. However, large wordlists can consume significant storage space, posing a challenge for users with limited disk capacity. In this guide, we’ll explore a clever solution to this problem: generating a wordlist on the fly using the Crunch tool and piping it directly into Aircrack-ng, thereby eliminating the need to save it as a file.

The Challenge of Large Wordlists

Large wordlists, while effective in password-cracking attempts, can quickly fill up your storage space, especially when dealing with extensive character sets and lengthy passwords. This can be problematic for users with limited disk resources or those who prefer not to clutter their storage with massive Wordlist files.

A Smarter Solution: On-the-Fly Wordlist Generation

To address the storage challenge, we can employ a smart approach: generating a wordlist dynamically and sending it directly to Aircrack-ng without saving it as a separate file. Here’s how you can do it:

$ crunch 12 12 | aircrack-ng -b <target_network_mac> -w — wpa_handshake1–01.cap

In this command:

  • crunch 12 12 generates passwords with a length of 12 characters. You can adjust the length according to your needs.
  • aircrack-ng -b <target_network_mac> specifies the target network MAC address.
  • -w tells Aircrack-ng to expect the wordlist input via a pipe.
  • wpa_handshake1–01.cap is the captured handshake file.

By executing this command, you generate passwords on the fly, effectively eliminating the need to save a massive wordlist file to your storage. Crunch generates passwords based on your specified criteria and immediately feeds them into Aircrack-ng for password-cracking attempts.

Benefits of On-the-Fly Wordlist Generation

1. Storage Efficiency: This approach saves valuable disk space, making it ideal for users with limited storage capacity.

2. Customization: You can tailor the wordlist generation process by specifying password length and character sets, ensuring that they align with your specific cracking needs.

3. Real-time Processing: The generated passwords are sent directly to Aircrack-ng in real time, streamlining the cracking process.

In conclusion, the clever use of on-the-fly wordlist generation with Aircrack-ng and Crunch is a space-saving solution for efficient Wi-Fi password cracking. This approach allows you to conserve storage resources while customizing your wordlist to suit your cracking requirements. Whether you’re a security professional or an ethical hacker, this technique empowers you to crack passwords effectively without compromising on storage space.




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